
How to install Futaba mdm166a in ubuntu

Today I will introduce different ways to install the Futaba MDM166a VFD display in an ubuntu system. Installation can be done manually, using a script and from the repository.
1. Installation from the repository

Perform the following commands in the terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:seahawk1986-hotmail/lcdproc-futaba-mdm166asudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get -y install lcdproc

zcat /usr/share/doc/lcdproc/LCDd.conf.gz | sed 's/^Driver=.*/Driver=mdm166a/' | sudo tee /etc/LCDd.conf

sudo systemctl enable LCDd.service

sudo systemctl start LCDd.service

Or the same with the script by downloading the file below
And by issuing the command in the terminal:
./ install
2. Manual installation using a script
Download the file below:
And issue the command in the terminal:
./ install
3. Manual installation
Perform the following commands in the terminal.
Libhid installation

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install git-core build-essential lcdproc

sudo apt-get install libusb-dev


cd libhid-0.2.16

./configure --disable-werror


sudo make install


Lcdproc installation


tar xzvf lcdproc-0.5.7.tar.gz

cd lcdproc-0.5.7

./configure --enable-drivers=all

cd server/drivers


sudo cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lcdproc/

sudo apt-get build-dep lcdproc


Use a text editor to edit the file /etc/LCDd.conf and section 


change to:


This can be done using the terminal with the command:

sudo gedit /etc/LCDd.conf


Restart lcdproc

sudo /etc/init.d/LCDd restart

sudo lcdproc


4. Kodi lcdproc plugin

We install the XBMC LCDproc plugin in kodi.

Settings of displayed information are made by editing the LCD.xml file

Below the official kodi pages with information for personalizing the LCD.xml file